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Diane & Peter


New on Kindle:
A Game of Daggers
(English Edition)
Catherine of Mullby is a nun of many talents but her main occupation in the remote priory of Athelstone House is that of a healer. Alas, not always can she do too much ... especially whne she is called to men already laying dead on the beach of Cornwall. Except ... maybe helping to find their murderers. But what starts out as a simple case of wreckery on the coast quickly leads into a dungeon of political intrigue, the business of spies and assassins and the negotiations of the high and mighty. Everybody has secrets and ambitions and when some of the most powerful individuals of their time gather on the remote coast to negotiate their differences, history is about to change ... be it by the Pope's call for a crusade or by a good dagger stab in the night ...
New on Kindle:
A witch can run ...
(English Edition)
Natalie Cooke is a student, an apprentice witch and a history buff between too many handsome and good guys ... and that is only the start of all her problems when two students in her dorm are beheaded!
Princeton is the holy grail of scholarly life, liberal, strong regulated and otherwise, like any other university in the world, full of young students who all too often are more interested in enjoying life while they are still young. Only rarely, there is one already entirely absorbed in the field of his or her studies. Rebecca Brown has only her research in her head. That is, till the police finds two headless bodies in her dorm room and soon, the news goes around ... a crazy serial killer hunts students in the time-honored place of peaceful eruditeness. But then, Natalie Cooke, another student, recognizes, all is about one old book, Rebecca had studied so obssessively. And the question is, who would kill for the Hypnerotomachia poliphili ... who even cares about this book ... and how the hell does someone pronounce that?
New on Kindle:
Blut und Eisen
(German Edition)
Die deutsche U-Bootwaffe eilt trotz aller Probleme von Erfolg zu Erfolg. Nicht einmal der chronische Mangel an U-Booten, Mannschaften und erfahrenen Offizieren kann die Rudel aufhalten.
Doch dann, ganz plötzlich, gehen innerhalb von kürzester Zeit drei Boote verloren, deren Kommandanten für Dönitz Wölfe beinahe schon sakrosankte Bedeutung haben. Prien, der Stier von Scapa Flow, und Joachim Schepke, der Liebling der Wochenschauen bleiben draußen und Otto Kretschmer, der schweigsame Otto, gerät in Gefangenschaft als sein Boot versenkt wird.
Drei erfahrene Kommandanten, drei an der absoluten Spitze der Erfolgslisten, was geht im Atlantik vor? Haben die Engländer eine neue Taktik entwickelt oder benutzen neue Waffen? Was auch immer es ist, es ist brandgefährlich für die Deutschen in einer Phase, in der ein Sieg schon in greifbare Nähe gerückt zu sein schien. Und so schickt der Löwe seine Mann für die besonderen Fälle wieder hinaus und herauszufinden, was hinter den plötzlichen Erfolgen der Engländer steckt. Doch dieses Mal ist alles anders für Heinz-Georg von Hassel, denn U-68, seine geliebte Seekuh, hat einen neuen Kommandanten ...
New on Kindle:
Blind Seer's Blues
(English Edition)
He lost is eye sight in the line of duty. He can't see a damn thing. But when it comes to monsters, he still can see right to the bottom of their soul. And what he finds there, it is a burning hell of insanity!

Some years ago, Clifford Greene was a promising agent in the FBI's BAU. But when he and some SAWTS stormed the house of a suspect, the target proves as rigged. Men died in the explosion, Greene lost his eye sight. Some still tell him, he was lucky. And so he was retired.
Things change, when a monster roams the streets of New York City. His victims are teenage girls. And while the bodies pile up, NYPD and FBI have nothing. But Detective Mahoney remembers his old buddy Clifford Greene. The question is, does being blind stop a man from crawling into a monster's head? Well, technically, it doesn't. Thus, Clifford Greene returns to business as a consultant ... not knowing, this is a signal to the demons of his past to return as well.
Now available:
(German Edition)
Fern jeder Küste, in den eisigen Gewässern des Nordatlantik entdeckt ein Trawler ein Dingi mit acht toten Offizieren des atomgetriebenen Angriffs-U-Bootes USS Tuscaloosa. Im Petagon herrscht Alarmstufe Rot nachdem jeder Versuch, die Tuscaloosa zu erreichen, fehlschlägt und ein Terroranschlag nicht mehr ausgeschlossen werden kann.
Commander Robert DiAngelo, Analytiker der CIA, muß eine gigantische Suchoperation organizieren – nicht ganz ohne persönliche Motive, denn seine Ex-Frau befindet sich an Bord des vermissten U-Boots. Und dann hat er eine Idee, die ihn auf eine heiße Spur führt. Von den kalten Gewässern des Nordatlantik zum Kap der Guten Hoffnung und zurück unter das ewige Eis der nördlichen Polkappe bleibt er auf dne Fersen eines gerissenen und verzweifelten Gegners bis seine San Diego die Tuscaloosa stellen kann. Eine letzte Konfrontation ist unausweichlich und nur ein Boot, so will es erscheinen, wird überleben.
Now available:
Shallow Waters
(German Edition)
Kleinst-U-Boote vor Koreas Küsten.
Lieutenant John Thorndyke kommandiert die HMS Dolphin, eines von drei britischen Mini-U-Booten, die zumindest offiziell nicht einmal existieren. Ihre Einsätze sind riskant, sei es Spionage oder Aufklärung in feindlichen Gewässern, zwischen Sandbänken und oftmals nahe genug an den Küsten eines Feindes um einen Stein hinüber werfen zu können.
Als eines der Schwesterboote nicht von einem Einsatz vor der nordkoreanischen Küste zurückkehrt müssen HMS Dolphin und ihr junger Kommandant herausfinden, was geschehen ist. Haben die Nordkoreaner ein neuartigens U-Abwehrsystem im Operationsgebiet? Aber dann, inmitten eines Sturms und mit nur einem Fuß Wasser unter dem Kiel, stellt sich heraus, dass der Einsatz der Kleinst-U-Boote nur Teil eines größeren Spiels ist. Das einzige Problem ist, als Thorndyke zu dieser Erkenntnis kommt, ist sein Zweg-U-Boot bereits im Fadenkreuz einer Fregatte, eines Kriegsschiffes, das in allen Bereichen allem, was die kleine Crew in ihrer Tauchröhre zur Verfügung hat, weit überlegen ist.
SHALLOW WATERS ist der zweite Band der DiAngelo-Reihe, auch wenn Commander DiAngelo hier nur eine Nebenrolle spielt. Stattdessen trifft der Leser hier erstmals John Thorndyke, einen U-Bootkommandanten der ganz anderen Art.
Now available:
(German Edition)
Als die USS Kentucky, ein ehemaliges ballistisches Raketenboot und nun umgebaut für Spezialeinsätze, nicht von einem Einsatz zurückkehrt, sind einmal mehr die Talente von Captain Robert DiAngelo gefragt. Vor allem, da die Zeit knapp zu werden scheint weil die Chinesen allem Anschein nach ebenfalls eine Suchaktion nach dem vermissten Boot gestartet haben - ohne überhaupt über die Operation des Bootes im südchinesischen Meer protestiert zu haben, Gewässern, die von der Volksrepublik China als ihre eigenen betrachtet werden. Es kann also kaum ein Zweifel daran bestehen, dass die Chinesen mehr über den Verlust der Boomers wissen.
Aber erst als die Rettungsoperation bereits in vollem Gang ist, wird klar, es hat Verräter gegeben - und nicht alle dieser Männer sitzen im anderen Lager!
Now available:
Dead Soul
(German Edition)
Eine Viertelmillion Tonnen Stahl, ein nukleares Waffenarsenal, ausreichend eine Welt zu zerstören – und ein Opfer auf dem Altar der Rache.
Ein Killer ist an der Arbeit, aber weil er in mehreren verschiedenen Ländern tötet erkennt zunächst niemand das Muster. Ein U-Bookommandant der immer noch in einer verlorenen Vergangenheit lebt und alter Größe nachtrauert. Aber das steht natürlich nicht in seinem Dossier. Erst als ein russisches U-Boot von der eigenen Flotte gejagt wird, wenn sich herausstellt, dass der Vater eines der Opfer offensichtlich reich an Geld und Einfluß ist, wird klar es fehlt jetzt nur noch eine Zutat zum Rezept für eine absolute Katastrophe: Der Killer an Bord eines nuklear getriebenen Flugzeugträgers ... Zeit für Captain Robert DiAngelo ein U-Boot auf einer Rachemission zu jagen, das von einem der Besten kommandiert wird und nebenher einen Mörder zu fangen. Wenn er versagt, dann stehen Tausende von Leben auf dem Spiel ... denn es gibt keinen Spielraum für Fehler, wenn man eine DEAD SOUL jagt.
Now available:
Deep Hunters
(German Edition)
Sie sind die Jäger der Tiefe, geschaffen, einen verborgenen Krieg unter Einsatz der tödlichsten Waffen zu kämpfen, die jemals entwickelt wurden. Doch nun müssen sie die Hinterlassenschaft eines alten Mannes zur Strecke bringen. Und wenn sie versagen, wird eine neue Art von Krieg ausbrechen.

Als Yassir Arafat starb, gab es viele, die ihren jeweiligen Göttern dankten. Sie dankten zu früh! Denn als sich herausstellt, dass beinahe zwei Milliarden an Fördergeldern verschwunden sind, als die ersten Beweise auftauchen, es könnte einen Deal zwischen Yassir Arafat und Saddam Hussein gegeben haben ... und als dann noch klar wird, das neueste und noch unerprobte Jagdboot der russischen Marine hat seine Basis verlassen, aber nicht auf Befehl des Marinekommandos, ist es Zeit für Robert DiAngelo, sich wieder auf Reisen zu begeben. Doch dieses Mal ist es mehr als ein Job. Denn dieses Mal wird er dem Mann gegenüberstehen, dem er nicht nur sein Leben sondern vor allem das seiner Frau verdankt. Aber es steht zu viel auf dem Spiel und am Ende kannes nur einen Sieger geben im tödlichen Spiel der DEEP HUNTERS ...
Now available:
(German Edition)
Sie sind die tödlichsten Angriffs-U-Boote, die jemals in den USA gebaut wurden, die letzten der großen Jäger des Kalten Krieges ... und als eines von ihnen in feindlichen Gewässern vermisst wird, steht die Energieversorgung der ganzen Welt auf dem Spiel.

Robert DiAngelo, derzeit damit beschäftigt, eine schnelle U-Bootreaktionsgruppe für Kriseneinsätze irgendwo in der Grauzone zwischen CIA und Navy aufzubauen, findet nicht einmal die Zeit, sein neues Dienstzimmer einzurichten bevor er sich wieder an die Arbeit machen muss. Etwas ist faul im Iran und natürlich muss er sich auf dem Boot einschiffen, das hinausfährt um im Persischen Golf nachzusehen. Nur gehen die Dinge dieses Mal gründlich schief als das das U-Boot beim Versuch iranisches Kilo-Klasse-Boot in flachen Gewässern abzuhängen, ein in ein neuartiges Minenfeld läuft.
Aber natürlich wäre DiAngelo nicht er selbst, wenn er nicht einen kreativen Plan zur Lösung des Problems entwickeln würde. Alles was er braucht, sind ein paar Ersatzteile aus einem persischen Marinedepot und einen leeren Supertanker. Alles Dinge, die in dieser Gegend nicht zu schwer zu finden sein sollten.
New on Kindle:
Task Force
(German Edition)
Tief unter der Oberfläche des Atlantiks beginnt es zu brodeln und es dauert nicht lange, bis die seismischen Sensorketten am Grund des Ozeans ein bedrohliches Bild zeichnen: Werden die Küsten Europas und Amerikas möglicherweise demnächst Opfer eines Tsunamis gegen den sich die Katastrophen im Pazifik ausnehmen wie ein Kinderspiel? Oder hat vielleicht einfach jemand etwas manipuliert? Aber zu welchem Zweck?
Als die Sensoren am Grund des Atlantik nahe der Azoren eine deutliche Erwärmung des Wassers und seismische Aktivität melden, gehen bei der NOAA die Warnlampen an. Denn es handelt sich um das geologisch wahrscheinlich instabilste Gebiet im ganzen Atlantik und darüber hängt auch gleich ein ganzer Berg, bereit in die See zu stürzen, sollte einer der unterseeischen Vulkane auch nur niesen. Global gesehen sind die Vulkane das kleinere Problem, aber wenn ein Berg in die See stürzt, dann kann er, eventuell noch verstärkt durch Seebeben, die fürchterlichste aller Naturkatastrophen auslösen: Einen Tsunami noch niegesehenen Ausmaßes der vielleicht demnächst über die Küsten Europas und Nordamerikans rollen wird.
Nur dann mehren sich die Anzeichen, jemand hat vielleicht etwas manipuliert. Aber wie, und zu welchem Zweck? Admiral Robert DiAngelo ist der Mann, den man im Zweifelsfall losschicken würde um nachzusehen. Nur hat der in seiner Krisenreaktionsgruppe nach Budgetkürzungen nicht mehr genug U-Boote und so kommt es zu einer Mitwirkung der Royal Navy, zu einer gemeinsamen Task Force um herauszufinden, was sich am Grunde des Atlantik wirklich abspielt. Es ist eine Reise in eine Welt fernab allem, was Menschen normalerweise zu Gesicht bekommen – und es ist eine gefährliche Reise als sich herausstellt, dass sich ein paar ausgesprochen hässliche Geister der Vergangenheit aus ihren Gräbern erhoben haben und nun unter anderem hinter DiAngelos TASK FORCE her sind!
Article of the month:
Crocodile tears and left-wing bigots
Kansas City, February, 3rd, 2017: The Democrats show their true face ... again
Now, we are used to some pretty embarrassing displays from Democrats ... no, I am not talking Weenie's Weenie, although that was of course also embarrassing. No, I talk about the crocodile tears at JFK over the last days. Aside of the fact, that some people think, they can block an airport for regular travelers and attack people who they suspect not to share their opinion ... where were all those Democrats when the shooting in San Bernadino happened? Where were all those Democrats when Club Pulse in Orlando was shot to pieces and the people in it? Democrats, who always claim to be so for the rights of the LBGT community are obviously very much against the gay's right to live. Or at least not enough for it to protest for it. But they are for sure able and willing to protest any measure that maybe saves lives, including the lives of gays and we know, those are on top of the target list of Islamist terrorists.
read more

Serial killer news
Neil Falls
Well, everybody read it, a suspected SK was shot in West Virginia and now police authorities are checking everywhere whether their open cases are maybe connected to this man. Well, actually, there is yet no hard evidence, he killed anybody, but he had what is considered a "kill kit" in his car and he was at least living some years ago in Las Vegas where four prostitutes disappeared and two of them were found dead ... or at least parts of them.
So, here is the rub: While it is necessary to check whether there is a connection, there is always also the tendency of police departments just to declare their cases are cold, the perpetrator is dead and no further investigation is needed. It's called "cabinet cleaning". Lets hope,t he need of police departments to clean out their long list of cold cases doesn't lead to evidenceless case freezes ... again.
Serial killer news
Our database ...
Starting with this month, you will step by step see more files in our collection, but those files will be sometimes have no profiles, incomplete bios or other flaws.
Well, in reality, not all of the hundreds of files we have are complete. Investigation is needed and to do that, time is needed. Time that certainly lacks between our activities as writers and accute hot cases. Thus, we hope, you nejoy the more and are not too upset about the more that is still missing.
Serial killer news
Alleged Monster of Ugnano arrested
The area of Florence had a new serial killer. Probably since a long time, but it was only really noticed now, when a 26 years od prostitute was found dead in a cricifixion like position duct-taped at a metal rail.
Now, just two days, later, police has arrested Riccardo Vitia, a 55 year old plumber. The linked him by the tape used to the crime.
However, what sounds like a quick success is in fact the break after this man was active for at least ten years. And while sources near to the investigation say, Vitia has confessed, we know about the worth of such confessions in Florence from the case of the Monster of Florence.
Serial killer news
May again!
Every year, at May, in most years probably about the middle of the month, LISK returns to the East Coast. At least, if my profile is correct.
Of course, there is no way to prove that before he is caught. But it is worth to think about one bloody fact. He is still out there and over the years while SCPD slept things out, he probably have added to his body count. If he follows the tendency of other serial killers, he could be around 15 now. Unless of course, he kills somewhere else during the winter months, that could bring him now easily to the 30, approaching Bundy, Gacy, Corona and Corll. Just food for thought.
Serial killer news
Paul Rowles suspected to have killed Tiffany Sessions in 1989
Tiffany Sessions, a financial-major at the University of Florida, disappeared in 1989 without a trace. Her body was never found.
Now a prison notebook, some kind of incomplete diary by serial killer Paul Rowies appears to link him to her murder. But since Rowles is dead, he died in prison at age 64 from old age in 2013, nobody can ask him anything. The search for Tiffany Sessions is bow, 25 years after her disappearance, still on in Cross City/Florida.
Serial killer news
Three years have passed ...
In December 2010, the first of four bodies were found on a stretch of road in Long Island. Later, another case, that of Shannan Gilbert, was mixed into the mess. It became a story of police arrogance and ineptness with lots and lots of media attention.
Now, in December 2013, things are forgotten. Media outlets don't care anymore, the cases are cold, no arrest was made and the strategy of silence has again protected a serial killer from justice. So, what is left to say? Rest in peace, Maureen Brainard-Barnes, Melissa Barthelmy, Megan Waterman, Amber Lynn Costello and Shannan Gilbert. Bob Koelker has made a quick dollar on your death, LISK is still out there and collects more bodies in silent grave yards and the PDs of Suffolk County and NY are happy to be out of the spotlights. And in those three years, dozens of other escorts just disappeared ... So, the final lesson to be learned is probalby "don't get yourself killed by a serial killer on the East Coast."
Serial killer news
Germany shows, how it's done
Germany, to be exact, Mannheim had a new unsub in October. First an unknown subject attacked woman, who escaped the attempt to rape her, then he strangles a girl and, as later becamse known two more attempts happened after that. So, there was clearly a sexual motivated serial out there.
Actually, the police wnet pretty ast to the public, even not with all information. And while often the effectivity of offender profiles is doubted there, that didn't prevent them from using the method. The result: The murder happened October 3rd, the arrest was October 19th. 16 days to catch a serial. Take that, Suffolk Co., Take that Albuquerque!
Serial killer news
Joseph Naso
It appears, as if police succeeded in connecting Naso to a fifth case, the murder of Sara Gilliam, who had changed her name to Sara Dylan because she was such a fan of Bob Dylan. Well, and the mruder of her friend, which for unknown reasons doesn't count as murder in the prosecution's body count.
Now, here is my problem. Naso is accused to have committed the Double-Initial Murders, signified by victims whoe first and lat names had the same starting letter. Like Pamela Parsons, Tracy Tafoya, Roxene Roggasch and Carmen Colon. So how does Sara Dylan or Sara Gilliam fit in this picture?
Serial killer news
And more LISK
I just found Sayonara's Blog, admittedly not by accident but because Precious Dust, the blogger, had a friend forwarding me the addy. Now, I can be arrogant, but I referred to only those members of WS as "a little challegend" who defended vehemently a theory that demanded from a suspect to cruise through Oak Beach with more then 184,000 mph speed. Which is light speed and a little over the speed limit. And to make the point clear here, the person who had this great idea wasn't Precious Dust.
However, I am one of those "unqualified persons" who say something about Shannan Gilbert and paranoid psychotic episodes, according to Precious Dust. Lets face here the truth, I (see my serial killer collection) am probably as "unqualified" as former chief of Ds Varrone (who heard the full call and had to do a life long with all kinds of crimes, including those involving drug induced rampants) and of course Michael Pak (who was there at this hour and only described what he saw). So ... uhhh, on the "unqualified" side we have a profiler with at the moment a ten out of eleven hit rate, a police officer with decades of experience and an eye-witness. On the "qualified" side, we have Precious Dust. Hummm, arrogance was the word?
Serial killer news
48 Hours and LISK
Yesterday was the latest 48 Hours about the still cold case of the Long Island Serial Killer. There were some little new details, but who expected progress was disappointed. It was the same old Dr. Hackett witch hunt and the usual utter ignorance about the differences between the cases.
However, Former Chief of Ds Varrone spoke for the first time out, what I tell only since 2 1/2 years: Shannan Gilbert was in some kind of psychotic condition when she made the famous 911 call. And David Schaller for the first time indicated, he actually had no idea whether the John asked Amber Lynn Costello to leave her phone behind or whether she just forgot it (she left behind her purse as well). So, nothing new for my readers, I said those things now since December 2010 and got almost skalped for it several times. But since Robert Koelker, who quote me in Lost Girls without my knowledge, without my permission and, most important entirely out of context, just to let his source look "coolly", in an obvious attempt to make a lot of money, has his book out now, the Hackett witch hunt and the concentration on Shannan Gilbert will go on and block the view on LISK furthermore. So thanks for everyone who have done more than their share to muddy the waters.
Serial killer news
Ian Brady maybe to reveal where he buried Keith Bennet
As UK sources report, Ian Brady made another attempt for his right to starve himself to death. Brady, who killed in the 60s together with his lover Myra Hindley 5 children between 10 an 17 years of age, fights for his right to die. He is since 1999 in a hunger strike, but authorities ordered him to be force fed.
Four of the victims have been found. Keith Bennet, who disappeared June 16, 1964, was never found, but a photography of Brady, shot by Hindley seems to indicate the area. Still, over the past decades repeated searches ended up empty handed. Now, in his attempt to control his death, the only form of control left to him, Brady is maybe willing to give up where he buried his last missing victim - in exchange for his own right to die.
His lover and accomplice died in 2002 due to cancer.
Serial killer news
Websleuths: Banned for saying the truth
I am now banned again from for being so rude to mention, that supects don't move with more than light speed, that people normally don't get information via crystal balls and similar such idiotic nonsense and that I consider it a waste of time to discuss such theories. I didn't went so far to call morons morons though, lets call this my last remains of "political correctness". But I admit, some morons may felt like morons there and showing them would be considered rude.
On the other hand, claims to be a true crime board with an implicit intention to solve crimes. Crystal ball theories and physically impossible bias driven witchhunts as I have experienced there, aren't helpful. A police officer once called the community there bored housewifes - well, the truth is worse and very unwelcome there. So, in general, after dealing with so-called experts who can diagnose certain mental illnesses from a bad 2 minute video, which was even doctored and without sound, I consider in general a waste of time. By the way, according to DSM IV such a diagnosis takes at least 2-3 days of observance of a patient under clinic conditions, but when I mentioned this little discrepancy, well, you guess it, I got another three day ban. So, bottom line, good bye Websleuths, there is no sense in a crime board that acts by suppressing the truth to wallow rather in wild conspiracy theories. Have fun!
Serial killer news
Always more shootings?
It appears, there are always more shootings, in schools, in theaters, in malls, just everywhere.
Now, this sparked some political debate about guns, and this debate is going on and on. But political debates are usually not the issue for "serial killer news". So, lets look at it from another angle:
What have all those shootings in common? Aside of the media hype and the chance for politicians to aggrandize themselves once more? All those shootings were committed by relative young perpetrators who had mental problems and had them since years. Not only the ones already diagnosed (Holmes, the Aurora shooter was in psychological treatment, Lanza, the Newtown shooter, was in treatment but for another disorder usually unconnected to violent crimes)m but much more important, those, that were missed, sometimes over years. I could continue the list. Jared Loughner for example showed at least two years before the Arizona shooting all signs of mental problems.
Now, one can argue, take the guns from them and they are hapless. Well, in fact, as the experience from other countries shows, they will switch either to knives or explosives. So, treating the symptom of someone in mental trouble taking a gun, will actually not prevent him from finding another way to kill and certainly, it won't cure his sickness. So, what can we do?
As one of the most underestimated measures in the war against drugs, we all read at one time or the other, those little leaflets how to recognize signs of drug abuse in our kids. Schools give them out to parents, you can get them from government sites, in some parts of the country, they were sent out by mail. I think, everybody knows them.
What about a leaflet recognizing the signs of a possible dangerous mental disorder? The kind that can lead to a mass shooting? Or any other kind of spree killing including bombings? Because, looking at all those perpetrators, be it the Columbine shooting, or now Aurora and Newtown, one thing is clear: They all showed symptoms of a very limited group of symptoms. Actually, this is really the stuff, checklists are made of.
It's, right now, just such an idea. Send me your opinion about it here
Serial killer news
Lonnie Jones Case goes cold again ...
The case of Lonnie Jones, a 12 year old boy in Idaho, killed in 1951, went cold again. We, as in me and some others interested in the case, put some effort in that case, we found some of the people who were around back then. We also dealt with a Sheriff's Department that had lost most of the evidence over time. We found a man who was arrested some weeks after the murder for going for another boy. We can place that man in the vicinity of the victim at the night of the murder.
Now, here is the downside. This man is not the guy, the brave people of Weippe/Idaho want to be the killer. So, some of the residents there either never cooperated or stopped cooperating. Some others, however, were helpful. And we made progress, probably more than the Clearwater Sheriff's department made in 60 years. Now we are at the point, said Sheriff's department would also need to do a little work, not just got fed by us. Which, consequently was the point, the Clearwater Sheriff's Department chose to stop returning calls and any cooperation. Given the political connections in that case, it appears as if the Sheriff tries to let the case go cold again to avoid troubles with some of his core voters who would prefer another man to be the killer (it's a kind of small town myths thing there). For those, who are interested in justice for Lonnie, maybe you can convince them to cooperate again with a telephone call.
Jurisdiction: Clearwater Sheriff'S Department, Sgt. Mitch Jared, phone: 208-476-4521
To the serial killer collection ...
Tue, May 17, 2016
12:00 AM CT

Daniel Lee Siebert
Daniel Lee Siebert is now also in our serial killer collection. A more or less garden variety strangler type who got away longer than necessary bacause some big PDs dropped the ball ... and left it to smaller ones, to get the job done.

Fri, Dec 18, 2015
12:00 AM CT

Christman Genipperteinga
THe legendary robber along the wine road Trier-Cologne made it finally into our collection. With a total of 970 victim, including six of them his own children, he is currently the most prolific serial killer in the Collection.

Thu, Oct 22, 2015
12:00 AM CT

Gerard John Schaefer
The allegedly most prolific Florida Serial Killer, "Killer Cop" Gerard Schaefer, finally also made his way into out collection.

Thu, Sep 24, 2015
12:00 AM CT

Royal Russel Long
Long was quite messed up in the investigation of the Wyoming Rodeo Murders, but details show, he was another kind of animal, y typeless pedophile serial killer. Now his file is in our collection.

Mon, Aug 17, 2015
12:00 AM CT

The Wyoming Rodeo Murders
A story of misperceptions and midnless cabinet cleaning by police authorities that ended up with someone getting away with at least two murders on young women. Now in our collection.

Wed, Jul 15, 2015
12:00 AM CT

Joseph Vacher, the French Ripper
Now new in our collection: Joseph Vacher, the French Ripper. The first case, blood spatter analysis was used in a court trial world wide!

Sat, Jun 20, 2015
12:00 AM CST

No new addition in June
Usually, we try to bring another case up in our serial killer collection every month, but this month, we simply had no time. Between working open cases and other activities, it was just not possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Sat, May 16, 2015
12:00 AM CT

The Beauty Queen Killer
New in the serial killer collection: Christopher Wilder, the Beauty Queen Killer. A case that shows how nonsensical the disctinction between serial and spree killers really is.

Thu, Apr 16, 2015
12:00 AM CT

Burton W. Abbott
Abbott killed only one victim, a case that caused some public attention in 1955. But he showed all hallmarks of a fledgling serial killer and thus, we added him to our collection.

Mon, Mar 16, 2015
12:00 AM CT

Darren Deon Vann
Ha is basically the usual garden variety strangler case if it wouldn't be for the early warnings statistical data cretated about serial killer activity in Gary/Indiana. Now he is in our collection.

Wed, Mar 4, 2015
12:00 AM CT

Due to technical problems, the March article was up late. Take my apologies for this glitch.

Mon, Feb 16, 2015
12:00 AM CT

Affaire of the Poisons
We have added the infamous Affaire of the Poisons to our collection. With more than 80 offenders, it breaks a little the format, but well, it's one of the biggest cases of "organized" crime ever, so how can we let it out?

Mon, Dec 8, 2014
12:00 AM CT

Joseph Bryan
Once he made the FBI Ten Most Wanted list, now nobody remembers the case anymore. Nevertheless, the father of all allegedly schizophrenic serial killers has entered our collection.

Fri, Nov 7, 2014
12:00 AM CT

The Trailside Killer
David Joseph Carpenter has now become also part of the Serial Killer Collection ... complete with profile.

Tue, Oct 7, 2014
12:00 AM CT

The Vampire of Duesseldorf
Peter Kuerten aka The Vampire of Duesseldorf roamed the city at the River Rhine for more than two years and left behind a trail of bodies-

Fri, Sep 12, 2014
12:00 AM CT

The Grim Sleeper
Lonnie Franklin aka The Grim Sleeper has been added to our serial killer collection

Thu, Aug 14, 2014
12:00 AM CT

Michael Lee Lockhart
... and with a little delay, another serial made it into the serial killer collection. Michael Lee Lockhart, not so much interesting for his "achievements" but because his case appears as if he became a psychopath only after a serious head injury.

Tue, Aug 12, 2014
12:00 AM CT

A Game of Daggers
Diane's new novel A GAME OF DAGGERS is now available at Amazon for Kindle. A story of murder, mayhem and political intrigue set up in the year of the Lord 1096.
Pope Urban II has called for a crusade, but this news has yet to reach Cornwall. And people there have anyway to deal with other problems from storms to wreckers on their coast and when some murdered men are discovered on the beach, nobody guesses, this is only the prelude to much greater events coming to the so remote shores ...

Sat, Jul 5, 2014
12:00 AM CT

Ivan Hill
Ivan Hill, as the first of the many serial killers, who haunted Los Angeles in the 80s and 90s, is now added to our serial killer collection.

Sun, Jun 8, 2014
12:00 AM CT

Raya and Sakina
The famous Egyptian serial killers have become part of our collection. And as so often, things are not as simple as the urban legend tries to tell us.

Thu, May 1, 2014
12:00 AM CT

Dagmar Overbye
The infamous Danish baby farmer has been added to our Serial Killer Collection.

Thu, May 1, 2014
12:00 AM CT

Pharaoh Djoser added to the Egyptian Collection
I finally came around to add a new pharaoh to our collection: Djoser, 1st Pharoh of the 3rd Dynasty.

Fri, Apr 4, 2014
12:00 AM CT

The Green River Killer
This month, we added Gary Ridgway to our serial killer collection, a case, not so much interesting for the profiling but for the lessons about case organization to be learned from it.

Tue, Mar 4, 2014
12:00 AM CT

Manson Family
The "Manson Family&quo; has been added to our serial killer collection. Especially interesting for those who think, brain washing isn't possible.

Fri, Feb 7, 2014
12:00 AM CT

Hans van Zon
Dutch serial killer Hans van Zon joined our serial killer collection. Not entirely voluntarily though.

Mon, Jan 6, 2014
12:00 AM CT

The Syracuse Dungeon Master
John T. Jamelske aka the Syracuse Dungeon Master has been added to our Serial Killer Collection. While not a seria killer but a serial rapist, Jamelske represents a similar psychopathology as some OCD type serial killers, for example Dahmer and therefore is some valuable object for studies.

Thu, Jan 2, 2014
12:00 AM CT

The last of the 2nd dynasty pharaohs, the man who re-united Egypt, is now also in the Egyptian collection.

Thu, Dec 12, 2013
12:00 AM CT

Pharaoh Sekhemib added to the Egyptian Collection
I finally came around to add Pharaoh Sekhemib to the collection, the sixth of the 2nd Dynasty. So, with some luck, I can finish this year the 2nd dynsty, only one, Khasekhemwy is left.

Tue, Dec 10, 2013
12:00 AM CT

The Riha disappearance
In 1969, Dr. Thomas Riha disappeared and in the subconsequent series of events, Gloria Tannenbaum was arrested for forgery and under suspicion of two other homicides. She plead not guilty by reason of insanity and got away with it. The case has now been added to our serial killer collection.

Mon, Nov 4, 2013
12:00 AM CT

Richard N. Clarey jr.
Clarey is one of the lesser known serial killers, skirting the definition a little. Still, for some reasons an interesting case.

Wed, Oct 2, 2013
12:00 AM CT

Now in the collection: William E. Cosden
A garden variety sexual predator, notable only because his existence shows, how wrong the idea of 1 monster at 1 time in 1 area is.